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Constructor: updateServiceNotification

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A service message for the user.

The app must show the message to the user upon receiving this update. In case the popup parameter was passed, the text message must be displayed in a popup alert immediately upon receipt. It is recommended to handle the text as you would an ordinary message in terms of highlighting links, etc. The message must also be stored locally as part of the message history with the user id 777000 (Telegram Notifications).


popupBoolOptionalIf set, the message must be displayed in a popup.
invert_mediaBoolOptionalIf set, any eventual webpage preview will be shown on top of the message instead of at the bottom.
inbox_dateintOptionalWhen was the notification received
The message must also be stored locally as part of the message history with the user id 777000 (Telegram Notifications).
typestringYesString, identical in format and contents to the type field in API errors. Describes type of service message. It is acceptable to ignore repeated messages of the same type within a short period of time (15 minutes).
messagestringYesMessage text
mediaMessageMediaOptionalMedia content (optional)
entitiesArray of MessageEntityYesMessage entities for styled text
parse_modestringWhether to parse HTML or Markdown markup in the messageOptional

Type: Update

Usage of parse_mode:

Set parse_mode to html to enable HTML parsing of the message.

Set parse_mode to Markdown to enable markdown parsing of the message.

The following tags are currently supported:

<br>a newline
<b><i>bold works ok, internal tags are stripped</i> </b>
<code>inline fixed-width code</code>
<pre>pre-formatted fixed-width code block</pre>
<blockquote>pre-formatted fixed-width code block</blockquote>
<a href="">URL</a>
<a href="mention:@danogentili">Mention by username</a>
<a href="mention:186785362">Mention by user id</a>
<a href="tg://user?id=186785362">Mention by user id</a>
Custom emoji: <emoji id="5368324170671202286">๐Ÿ‘</emoji>
Custom emoji: <tg-emoji emoji-id="5368324170671202286">๐Ÿ‘</tg-emoji>
<pre language="json">Pre tags can have a language attribute</pre>

You can also use normal markdown (bot API MarkdownV2 syntax), note that to create mentions you can also use the mention: syntax like in html:

*bold \*text*
_italic \*text_
*bold _italic bold ~italic bold strikethrough ||italic bold strikethrough spoiler||~ __underline italic bold___ bold*
[inline URL](
[inline mention of a user](tg://user?id=123456789)
\`inline fixed-width code\`
pre-formatted fixed-width code block
pre-formatted fixed-width code block written in the PHP programming language

[Mention by username](mention:@danogentili)
[Mention by user id](mention:186785362)
[Mention by user id](tg://user?id=186785362)


$updateServiceNotification = ['_' => 'updateServiceNotification', 'popup' => Bool, 'invert_media' => Bool, 'inbox_date' => int, 'type' => 'string', 'message' => 'string', 'media' => MessageMedia, 'entities' => [MessageEntity, MessageEntity]parse_mode: 'string', ];